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Who I Am



Hello, I’m Anita.   I’m not sure how to sum up ‘Who I Am’ in a nice neat package, but you’re here reading and I’m here writing so I guess I’ll just start by saying I’m a lot of things like we all are.

The best way to sum a lot of it up without droning on for page after page about my experiences and history is to make a short slideshow as you can see above.  A click on most of those pictures will take you somewhere else in webland (or to a blog entry that I wrote, depends on the picture) and I bet that’s a lot more fun than sitting there reading all about me.  And if you want to know more about any of the pictures on the slide show, just ask!

For the purposes of this website, I’m a photographer, a painter, and I write and I have two cats, LuckyStar and Minerva McGonnagal (Lucky and Minnie for short).  We all live in northern Oregon but have been here less than a year after about 10 years of traveling and bumping around (honestly, I still have the bug and am feeling it pretty hard lately, I might move on soon).  Chicago was where most of my journey started and that is the place I call home.


A little background:  I’m also a registered nurse, so I guess I need to add that to the list.  This website was created way back in 2010 to showcase my photography which I like to call ‘Scenery for the Soul’. I’m not sure if it’s for everyone’s soul or just mine, honestly.  I  had planned to blog about my travels and experiences as I slowly moved around the world but it turns out that consistency isn’t my strong suit.   The problem with a ‘fall back career’ is the constant lull of safe money and falling back into it.  The thing about using nursing as my ‘fall back career’ is that doing it sucks me dry and leaves me empty so other outside endeavors fall away.  Spending time and effort on “what I really wanna be when I grow up”  takes a back seat to “trying not to kill anyone and remembering to eat each day“.  I can only keep nursing for so long each time I do it, so generally, I eventually quit nursing, work on what makes my true spirit happy and then fall back into some nursing role somewhere.   Rinse and repeat. I really need to break that cycle.  When I’m off,  I try to come back to who I was before I got emptied out in hospitals around the USA and gutted by the USA wealthcare system. Yes, it really IS that bad.  But as the heartiest of people love to remind us dreamers:  ‘It builds character‘.  (insert rolling eye emoji here) But you know what?   “Joker and Hannibal Lecter were both ‘characters'”.  I want something different.  Turning a ship around takes energy and momentum.


I run paint parties and I am beginning online instruction and online paint events.  Please reach out for any questions, inquiries or just to say hello. by using the ‘contact me’ option in the menu.







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