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To Climb or Not to Climb?

Posted on Jan 15, 2025

A Tangle of ideas plans and actions

Roots and branches and vines and decorative design and distant cities and light and dark and even a ghost cat and a road…Welcome to my watercolor journey, and welcome to my brain. Seems like the brain in this skull is either stopped and blissfully empty and I’m proverbially standing absolutely still trying to decide what if anything I should do next, or it’s like this tree of life that I painted-a million good ideas with no filter and maybe no point, and worst of ALL, no discipline or follow through.  Sigh.


Does anyone else struggle with direction, meaning, walking that tight line between safe pathways and gleeful adventure?  Or between playing things safely and daring to meet your own expectations that you dream of?  Anyone else feel like your dreams are bigger than your capabilities?  Or that they’re bigger than your focus?  Mediocrity is easy, doing something worth doing takes the one thing I feel like maybe I don’t have-dedication and discipline. Wait, that’s two things.  Crumb.


Welcome to my non photographic art.  Although technically it IS a photograph, it’s a photograph of a painting that I did.  I borrowed this idea from an AI generated creation I saw posted on Facebook without any identifiable links or credit. This was in about 2022, I think. .  I had to follow it back and I am pretty sure original credit for the AI piece needs to go to @sepherina_gaiark on IG.  This is the actual link to the photo I copied from , at least I think it is.  I don’t have a Starry AI account, but after seeing these beautiful ideas created by this artist, I am very tempted to get one for the ideas alone!  Sot of feels like this stuff I’m doing is going to end up obsolete which makes me realy sad.  But I can’t focus on that right now.

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